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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
~ 1:00 PM ~

For the fun of it, i decided to post one of my childhood photos...^_^

i was 3 years old (count the no. of candles...) and the bday cake was actually a Hello kitty!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

oh..don't i look cute?? just like now?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

(i'm sorry if you accidentally vomitted blood or any other unidentified object...^_^)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
~ 9:57 AM ~

"Grace costs the giver EVERYTHING and the receiver NOTHING...."

now i know why sometimes i feel so painful in extending grace to a person or situation whenever my natural instincts say that I dont want to...

painful it may be, but i know i need to and i want to develop grace in my life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
~ 7:09 PM ~
Progress Report Update

I typed out a 3 page progress report on Friday for my supervisors to review and considering that so many people ask me what i can do from 9-5 everyday doing in office researching..well, hope this can help answer your queries. I thought I shall just share with you all what i've been doing over the last 2-3 months...just bear in mind that it's meant to be a SUMMARY of what i've done..haha

Note, just read the english words, you need not understand it....^_^

(Click on the picture to enlarge and read)

Saturday, November 15, 2008
~ 11:17 PM ~
Too Fast Too Furious

I've come to a conclusion...i need to slow down....

I think i'm pushing myself too much....but do i really have a choice?? Frankly speaking, i don't know.

It really is scary when you're moving but you don't know where you're headed and some clues as to where you're going would be great...unfortunately, i have none at this point in time...i only know i'm doing some stuff, but heading no where cause i have no clue....

Let faith arise....
let courage arise....
let joy arise....
let confidence arise...
let hope arise....
let ashes arise....

Monday blues is going to hit me at 7pm tomorrow......yea...i'm forecasting ...beautiful isnt it??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
~ 10:51 AM ~

Couldnt come up with a better title..it's just there to make this entry have a structure of having a title, body and conclusion...ok..maybe no conclusion....

Currently at home marking exam papers, going to uni later in the afternoon to work on my research....taking a break from marking exam papers now...

I've come across some really interesting papers. There was a question that asked whether the number of pre-natal visits (visits by a pregnant woman to the doctor) was reasonable ...some interesting responses i got:
1. "I'm a guy and do not have any idea what a pre-natal visit is"
2. "I've no expectation as to how pre-natal visits can affect the weight of a baby"
3. "I dont know if it's reasonable." (i;m afraid honesty doesnt pay here..)
4. "I'm no pregnancy expert but i think......"

I've also come across really interesting 'dialogues' from some students in the exam paper.

1. "Sorry for the messy handwriting"
My response: "Sorry for not being able to award marks cause i really cant read the words"

2. "OUT OF TIME (and the rest of the paper was blank)"
My response: "Sorry for not being able to award marks because there's nothing on the paper for me to give marks!"

One of my colleagues came across an interesting answer yesterday. The question asked if something was reasonable and why. This student answered:
"It is reasonable as there is no reason for it to be unreasonable."


Anyway, enough of talking about exam papers...i think lately for me, i'm just had a lot of things right up my neck. I've been sleeping only about 4-5 hours each night for the past 2 nights cause there's just so much for me to do (and of course, not to mention those intermittent times when i just wake up in the middle of the night)....

I'm trying to complete about 3.5 months of research work into slightly less than 2 because of my 1 month hol in singapore/msia in Jan. And if that was not bad enough, my research is not making any progress at all. Nothing that i'm currently working on has been solved. And on Monday, i had a 2.5 hour meeting with my supervisor just to go through the really basic theory that i learnt back in march! But i guess this is wat i call taking 10 steps back in order to advance 100 steps.

I dont know what's the way of responding....but what i do know is that He is in control and i shall continue to abide in His presence.....

Oh help me and make haste to save me!

I shall rejoice =)

Friday, November 07, 2008
~ 12:31 AM ~

Ivy Ong, this post is dedicated just for you.....

Ian Song and I will be sharing the same room....so just tahan and live with it...

Don't go to poor Cal**n and get him as "THE SPY"....

If not, we can kick ian song out of the house and he can move up the mountain whereby there is no one and you can rest assured that no one will come close to him. The only problem is that you will have to climb up that mountain frequently to visit him....which may be a good idea as you will no longer need to go fitness first...the desire to see him should propel you to climb that mountain and as a by-product, keep fit!

Calvin...forget about that spy camera...that's just lame...^_^

And ivy, did you put spice in that cookie?? I really felt that you added something 'extra' in there....

maybe i'm just paranoid now....thanks to you =)

p.s. if any of you havent realised...ivy and i are just playing and mugging around....dont treat it seriously ok....lol

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
~ 7:14 PM ~
Work From Home

Calvin managed to fix up my laptop early this morning at around 1am and i spent some time installing some essential programs till about 2am.

When i woke up this morning at 830am, there were some thoughts that came into my head:
1. I am currently working on 2 programming problems, whereby each problem takes some time to run on the computer.
2. I have 2 laptops.
3. Each of the laptop has the software program that i use for my research.

An idea struck me...
I decided to work from home whereby i worked simultaneously on the 2 separate programs on the 2 laptops....

Left: Old laptop
Centre: LCD monitor which is just an extension of the display screen of my newer laptop on the right
Right: Newer laptop

FOr once i felt as though i was some kind of computer hacker like the big kid you saw in Transformers.....

Monday, November 03, 2008
~ 10:07 PM ~
Life is a Gift

before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't

you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone
who has nothing to eat.

you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying out to GOD for a companion.

before you complain about life - Think of someone who went
too early to heaven.

whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.

And when
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your

And when
depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still

Sunday, November 02, 2008
~ 11:09 PM ~
Patience Tested

Today is by no means a very pleasant day for me. I have had 2 bad things happen today..and they have yet to be solved....

I was in church this morning and I turned on my laptop....well..it turned on...but my screen was a total blackout...windows couldnt load.....i'm now using my old laptop (thank God for it...)

i couldnt believe it....my heart just sank when i saw that black screen in front of me..so many thoughts running around in my head...many important stuff inside the laptop that i just cant afford to lose because i've spent so much time and effort in doing those work....you're talking about 4 months of hard work (since i've been using that new laptop for that period of time)...and of coz...i need not mention all the important information that i had stored inside there...frankly speaking, it's emotional torture....if you think i'm making a big fuss over it and cant understand why i am feeling what i am feeling....it's just because you're not in my shoes....so show some compassion will ya??

the 2nd bad thing that happened was when i discovered my car's right rear door is spoilt..the door cant be opened from the inside....i think i was pretty amazed that i didnt scream out in frustration when sam found that out for me...what timing....laptop spoilt..and now car door is spoilt...and given that this week is going to be VERY VERY BUSY BEYOND MY IMAGINATION (phd research + exam marking), i cant imagine taking out time from work just to go to toyota service to have the door fixed....please please...let the door be under warranty......

putting that car issue aside, i think i'm really blessed to have people in church to help me with my laptop.....wai keung spent almost 5 -6 hours trying to retrieve MOST of my hardisk data (which he did) and recovering the system (in which he had partial success). he was apologetic that he couldnt reach a complete resolution but i'm already grateful to the so much things he has done...

my laptop is now with Calvin in ER....he's trying to help recover the missing 190GB of hardisk space due to the incompetency of the HP recovery system disc....thanks bro for helping in the midst of ur exams....thank you so much =) you've been a reliable bro in my every time of need....

and of coz...if all else fails..dhany has offered to help me with it on tues night....he's the most experienced anywayz...since he's working in this field.. =)

so....although i dont deny that my heart is in a little turmoil, here's a verse i'm holding on tightly to my heart "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GOd and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart.."

and of coz....i shall be glad and rejoice =) singing releases joy, and i'm a overcomer in Christ!

thank you wai keung
thank you calvin (and thanks for identifying with my pain about the car too...=) )
thank you dhany

Saturday, November 01, 2008
~ 12:43 AM ~
Which is Bigger??

We all know that a mountain is bigger than a sparrow...

But under which circumstance is a sparrow bigger than a mountain? Well, when we are seeing the sparrow at close range and when the mountain is in a distant view away...

Sometimes in life, we focus on the sparrow being so big and forget that there's a bigger and nicer backdrop to which that sparrow is flying in....

The bigger picture...can we see it?
The sparrow, can we see it fit in the bigger picture?

Sometimes, it really is a beautiful picture =)

About JaSzZ~

Jason Ng
Monash University (Australia)
2nd Year PhD (Financial Econometrics)
23 years old


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