Thursday, May 24, 2007
~ 4:31 PM ~
Why did it happen?!!!
As the exam period approaches, and as the assignment deadlines are getting closer, one thing that I dont expect to happen is losing parts of my assignment due to some miraculous part of my work not being saved properly.
I was very very sure and certain that i had saved my work into my thumbdrive. But lo and behold, it's not there. It's gone! Not everything, but a portion of the assignment which i took between 2-3 hours to do.....and it's also one of the toughest parts cause i had to think a lot!!!!!
Now i need to re-think and re-do that part of the assignment....i need to finish that assignment by Friday cause i need to begin my econs revision which is coming up in 2 weeks time!! lots to study...lots to revise....
sometimes i wonder, how do i actually cope?
Proverbs 3:5-6....i m claiming this promise from God!!!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
~ 10:36 PM ~
Wellz...the interview was...
So today was the big showdown..the interview! My interview was scheduled at 1245pm, but i arrived at 1215pm..and the secretary was a litle surprised that i turned up so early. apparently, the interviewer was still interviewing someone before me.
Anyway, i wasnt that nervous (thanks to an intensive prayer prior to entering that office).While waiting, i read the newspaper at the waiting area. After 10 mins, the interviewer came out with the interviewee before me and I got a little caught up with fumbling with the newspaper, keeping it back in order before i stood up and shook hands with the interviewer. His name is Chris.
Chris and I spent the next 35 mins in an intensive conversation mode. He started off by asking me to explain what i do in my current honours course. I answered that easily since i had prepared to answer that question, and that was the only question that I prepared that was asked. The questions that i expected to be asked were not asked and the questions that i did not expect were asked.
I thought it was a general interview. IT was. BUT, it was also a technical interview. I was asked 1 econometrics question and 3 economics question. The questions were:
1. What is the Durbin Watson statistic used for? (used for testing for serial correlation)
2. What happens if the tariff for an import is abolished (decrease in govt revenue and perhaps unemployment)
3. What happens if the government pumps in money into the economy when the economy is at full employment level (since money is neutral and does not affect output, it results in inflation only in the long run)
4. what are the 3 ways of calculating GDP? (add the value added values, add wages and capital income, add the prices of the final product)
I managed to answer questions 1,3 and 4 quite well (luckily i knew the answers). I stumbled a lot at question 2 as taxes and subsidies are not my forte. I can only picture the question if i draw some diagrams. But oh wells, Chris said that I did the best among the interviewees that he interviewed for that day (i was the last person to be interviewed). This is a comment that i shall take with a pinch of salt. It may be true, it may not.
All in all, it was a good experience. Whether i can move onto the next round of the interview, it doesnt really matter to me. And if i do qualify for round 2 of the interview, i shall have to fly to Canberra....hmmz...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
~ 1:00 AM ~
Growing UP
I've really come to that age..I actually have a job interview.
I submitted a job application about 3 weeks ago just trying my luck. I did not put any hopes on that application. The fact that I am not a permanent resident here also didnt add to my hopes that I would get interviewed.
I received a phonecall from the company this morning asking me for an interview. I will be interviewed on the 16th May. Exciting and interesting indeed...I must say I am indeed surprised.
Whatever the outcome, it is true that we are grown ups now. More thinking and planning of the future by yourself. No more shelter that most of us may have grown accustomed to. It's really stepping out into that world...the world that many have not really painted a nice picture of....